Sunday, 11 December 2016

POST 4: Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad is an american movie from august 2016, directed by David Ayer and mainly produced by Warner Bros and DC Entertainment.
We find ourselves plunged into the Marvel's universe with the appearance of classical characters such as Batman and the Joker.
There is plenty of what we could call "main characters" but there are some who stand out whether through the acting or by the presence on stage such as:

Floyd Lawton/Deadshot interpreted by Will Smith

Harley Quinn interpreted by Margot Robbie

The Joker interpreted by Jahred Leto

The plot is going on in our time in which superman just died leading the government, more precisely Amanda Waller to create an elite force consisting of the 7 most dangerous criminals in the world led by the soldier Rick Flag, to counter any Attack that could threaten their world.
Naturally, this threat comes rather quickly through a witch from another time who was taken prisoner in the body of the young archaeologist June Moon. However the witch in question manages to escape and create a zombie army to regain control of the Earth and enslave the men as in her time.
Obviously, the suicide squad will attempt to arrest the troublemaker, partly because they have no choice in the way that they are executed if they don't obey their leaders. 
As we could except, after heavy fighting and loss of life, they finally succeeded in saving the world from chaos, as would imply a classic scenario of this kind of film, and criminals are sent back to their prison with a shorter sentence as reward.

This scenario is done and overdone but what one might find interesting in this film is the fact that basically the protagonists are exactly totally opposed to the idea of hero that one is made.
It's the way in which the characters are staged but especially the many passages of their previous life that make us realize that despite their crimes, they all have the weakness to have loved ones they care about making them more humans but also the strength of a certain moral and characteristic values of a hero which we wouldn't expect at first glance.

1 comment:

  1. This looks serious and very interesting.
    A very good effort, Leon.
